full transcript

From the Ted Talk by George Smoot: The design of the universe

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So we have a model, and we can calculate it, and we can use it to make designs of what we think the universe really looks like. And that dsegin is sort of way beyond what our original imagination ever was. So this is what we started with 15 yares ago, with the cmosic Background Explorer — made the map on the upper right, which bacallsiy showed us that there were large-scale foiucttnuals, and actually fluctuations on several scales. You can kind of see that. Since then we've had WMAP, which just gives us higher angular resolution. We see the same large-scale srurtucte, but we see additional small-scale structure. And on the bottom right is if the satellite had flipped upside down and mapped the Earth, what kind of a map we would have got of the Earth. You can see, well, you can, kind of pick out all the major continents, but that's about it.

Open Cloze

So we have a model, and we can calculate it, and we can use it to make designs of what we think the universe really looks like. And that ______ is sort of way beyond what our original imagination ever was. So this is what we started with 15 _____ ago, with the ______ Background Explorer — made the map on the upper right, which _________ showed us that there were large-scale ____________, and actually fluctuations on several scales. You can kind of see that. Since then we've had WMAP, which just gives us higher angular resolution. We see the same large-scale _________, but we see additional small-scale structure. And on the bottom right is if the satellite had flipped upside down and mapped the Earth, what kind of a map we would have got of the Earth. You can see, well, you can, kind of pick out all the major continents, but that's about it.


  1. basically
  2. structure
  3. design
  4. years
  5. cosmic
  6. fluctuations

Original Text

So we have a model, and we can calculate it, and we can use it to make designs of what we think the universe really looks like. And that design is sort of way beyond what our original imagination ever was. So this is what we started with 15 years ago, with the Cosmic Background Explorer — made the map on the upper right, which basically showed us that there were large-scale fluctuations, and actually fluctuations on several scales. You can kind of see that. Since then we've had WMAP, which just gives us higher angular resolution. We see the same large-scale structure, but we see additional small-scale structure. And on the bottom right is if the satellite had flipped upside down and mapped the Earth, what kind of a map we would have got of the Earth. You can see, well, you can, kind of pick out all the major continents, but that's about it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dark matter 5
hubble space 3
million galaxies 3
ordinary matter 3
light objects 2
takes light 2
million years 2
billion years 2
tiny variations 2
started forming 2
galaxies showing 2
light years 2
simple fluid 2
large cluster 2

Important Words

  1. additional
  2. angular
  3. background
  4. basically
  5. bottom
  6. calculate
  7. continents
  8. cosmic
  9. design
  10. designs
  11. earth
  12. explorer
  13. flipped
  14. fluctuations
  15. higher
  16. imagination
  17. kind
  18. major
  19. map
  20. mapped
  21. model
  22. original
  23. pick
  24. resolution
  25. satellite
  26. scales
  27. showed
  28. sort
  29. started
  30. structure
  31. universe
  32. upper
  33. upside
  34. wmap
  35. years